Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Reigning it in...

Sorry, I've been MIA. I have a discipline problem. When things go too far off the routine, I tend to get lazy. For instance, I've been completely, and I mean completely off the diet since Friday. It was my husband's birthday and we had a surprise party for him. My mother-in-law made some awesome cupcakes so there you have it. Then there was Easter and my son's Easter basket which is taunting me from the top of the fridge in the kitchen as we speak.

I'm back today though. Back on the diet, back on the blog, back at your service.

I tend to really resent Easter for some reason. Christmas I can get into, I can do a tree, I enjoy Christmas shopping my my son and the whole Santa clause ritual. That's fun. But for whatever reason, I always want to resist, coloring eggs, buying a crap-load of candy and junk to make a basket out of. Hiding the eggs that night, then "finding" them at 6:30 in the morning. UGH! Not my scene. Just seems like a pain in the ass. My son had a good time, he was pretty excited. That's what's important. So I didn't fail as a mother this Easter.

I think all these things, would probably be even more fun for him if he had a sibling, but that's like number six thousand on our list of things to do. So I guess he's a one man show for now.

Today my son told me that when he grows up, he wants to sing on stage, with a guitar (a blue one) and rock and roll. This sounded like an excellent life plan for him to me. Certainly better than being a cat or an allosaurus when he grows up. I think he'd make a pretty good rock star!

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