Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Reigning it in...

Sorry, I've been MIA. I have a discipline problem. When things go too far off the routine, I tend to get lazy. For instance, I've been completely, and I mean completely off the diet since Friday. It was my husband's birthday and we had a surprise party for him. My mother-in-law made some awesome cupcakes so there you have it. Then there was Easter and my son's Easter basket which is taunting me from the top of the fridge in the kitchen as we speak.

I'm back today though. Back on the diet, back on the blog, back at your service.

I tend to really resent Easter for some reason. Christmas I can get into, I can do a tree, I enjoy Christmas shopping my my son and the whole Santa clause ritual. That's fun. But for whatever reason, I always want to resist, coloring eggs, buying a crap-load of candy and junk to make a basket out of. Hiding the eggs that night, then "finding" them at 6:30 in the morning. UGH! Not my scene. Just seems like a pain in the ass. My son had a good time, he was pretty excited. That's what's important. So I didn't fail as a mother this Easter.

I think all these things, would probably be even more fun for him if he had a sibling, but that's like number six thousand on our list of things to do. So I guess he's a one man show for now.

Today my son told me that when he grows up, he wants to sing on stage, with a guitar (a blue one) and rock and roll. This sounded like an excellent life plan for him to me. Certainly better than being a cat or an allosaurus when he grows up. I think he'd make a pretty good rock star!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

For your consideration:

So I mentioned before how I hate job hunting cause I lack experience and it's a grueling task, making what experience I do have sound relevant. Sooo, I decided for the sake of my blog, I would just be completely honest:
Ladies and Gents, the real and truthful version of my resume:


To obtain a full time position as movie, television or Broadway star.


2008-2009 "A Telecommunications Company" NY
Project Coordinator
- Collected and processed all sign off documentation from job completed by subcontratced techs
- Avoided having my boss throw things at me, and succeed all but once.
- Answered phones.

2006 - 2008 "A Bar" Colchester, England
Bar Tender
- Served pints of beer to loud obnoxious English people.
- Got verbally abused by customers
- Regularly worked til 3am cleaning, washing glasses, emptying ashtrays, only to wake up with my toddler at 3:30 am the next morning.

2005 - 2006 "a school for special needs kids" NY
1 to 1 Aide
- Wheeled my kid from class to class and through relay races at "gym"
- Sang songs for my non verbal kid during circle time.
- Hand fed my kid him/her lunch and changed his/her diaper.

2004 - 2005 "Temp Agency" NY
Office Temp
- filed things
- filed things
- filed things

2004 - 2004 "Fast Food Joint" NY
- Worked in the drive thru
- Worked at the counter
- ....That's all I can possibly say about that.


1999 - 2003 State University NY
- 19 credits short of a Bachelors Degree in Theater Arts

12 total years training in Acting, Musical Theater and Improv Comedy at various schools.
That's just short of 50% of my ENTIRE LIFE


Theater, film, acting,

One of my managers at said fast food joint, cause I'm friends with her and I know she'll make crap up.

One of my professors at University cause she knew me back when I had direction, and maybe she thinks I still do.

So there you have it, if you know of any positions that might be I might be suited for, by all means, let me know.

Also, if you want to try this, (it's very liberating) send in a copy of your completely truthful and honest resume. (baybeeblue117@gmail.com) I'll post the best/funniest ones, maybe we can all go into business together!

I'll see you tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My pants fit!! (sort of)

We went to Florida in February, and the worst part was right before when I had to pull out all my clothes from the summer and none of them fit me. I had to borrow a pair of capris once I got there and that's pretty much what I wore the whole time.

Well after this recent 13 pound victory, I pulled out my own capri's from last summer and tried them on and they fit!! Well, sort of. They certainly don't look as cute as they did last summer, but I pulled them up and they closed, effortlessly. And they look ok enough that I would wear them in public.........with certain shirts.

The point is, in Feb I could not wear them at all, and today I can with certain shirts. And by May/June I will be able to wear them with any shirt I want. This is good news.

So for those of you who do not live in NYC, let me fill you in on a little something: When you go out to eat any where in New York City, they post the calorie content of all the food right next to it on the menu. So like, for instance if you went to McDonalds, right next to the Big Mac it would say 540 cal. This is true everywhere, Applebees, Subway, Burger King, all of it. It's really eye-opening and I think they should do it everywhere. Write your congressman, or something. I don't know.

I went to Starbucks to write today (people do that, right? Do you think I'm cool now?). Anyway I ordered a green tea because I could clearly see that it was 0 calories, and I LOVE things that are 0 calories. And on the bottom of my cup it was posted "Careful, the beverage you're about to enjoy is extremely hot." Really?! Is it me? I mean, first of all, DUH! Second, how could I possibly enjoy something if it's extremely hot. Extreme heat is not enjoyable to me. It should say "For best results, purchase drink 20 minutes before you intend to drink it." I mean I'm not mad at Starbucks for making hot drinks, some drinks are supposed to be hot. But don't insult my intelligence.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Blog Envy...

I've been going through some of the blogs up here, most of them are super lame. Some of them though, are really great! I love them and I can't wait to learn more to make my blog as cool as yours!

How not to be fat...

Did you ever try to weigh yourself everyday? It's crazy. I don't know about you, but my weight fluctuates sometimes up to 5 or more pounds from day to day basis. Then when I do the real weigh in, the weekly weigh in, the one that counts, I don't trust the scale, I think it's lying to me. I guess that's why they tell you not to weigh in everyday when you're dieting. UGH! I feel like the last 3 years my life has been one long diet.

We move to England in August 2006, right after we were married, and we lived there for two years. While we were there I lost 50 pounds. It was a lot easier for two reasons. One: The food sucks. There just weren't the temptations there that there are here. Two: We were alone there, so there was no visiting family, or huge holiday meals with 600 desserts.

Now mind you, I didn't just loose 50 pounds cause we didn't have Thanksgiving, I actually was dieting. First I did weight watchers for a while, then I kind of went off track because we had to come back to NY for like a month after my father passed away. Then after I collected myself I did Atkins and after all was said and done, I lost 50 pounds. That was great.

Then we came back....

Then it was BBQ's, everybody wanted us over their house for dinner, I couldn't wait to eat some "decent" American food. I got a job waitressing at a diner, I ate there at the end of every shift. So bad. Then I got this last job at the office and sat at a desk all day, snacking. Needless to say most of the 50 pounds came right back.

I've been doing a low calorie diet now for three weeks, and I've lost 13 pounds so far. Or so says scale, which I've noted before, cannot be trusted. I've mastered not being fat in Europe. That's easy. Now I have to learn how not to be fat in America. Far more difficult. But I feel like once I get it, that will be it. If you can not be fat in America, you can not be fat ANYWHERE. America is completely disgusting with they way we handle food. You all know that. We're out of control.

Who are these people that run? These people you see on the side of the road just running. Like, for exercise. Who are they? I'm so jealous. They run a mile everyday and I bet they can just eat whatever they want ever, cause they're just going to run another mile tomorrow. How do they do it?? I've been thinking about it a lot lately because I know with my low calorie diet, if I could just run a little it will probably be twice as effective. When we were cavemen we ate nuts and berries and we ran as our mode of transportation and I bet nobody wore a size 16.

I need to learn how to run. I say learn how cause I feel like I haven't run at all since I was about in 3rd grade. That's about when I got to cool to participate in gym anymore.

All the web sites I've looked up about running say first things first, I need the right shoes. I say, those people clearly are not packing a set of double d's. I need a sports bra of steel. I doubt that the technology exists to create the kind of sports bra I need. Please let me know if you have any suggestions. I'll worry about shoes once I know I have the girls strapped down in place.

Well, it's almost 2pm and I've only had about 190 calories all day so I guess I better go eat something. Thanks for reading, and keep coming back. It's gonna get good.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Now What??

I've just recently found myself laid off. It wasn't a huge surprise, business was extremely slow. In the last month or so I spent the majority of my time at work trying to look busy because there simply wasn't a lot to do. The other thing is I've only been working at this place since October. So this was not a life long career, by any means. Still, I was a little sad because I really enjoyed my time there. I had planned to stay there for as long as they'd have me and possibly advance to higher positions. Maybe it could have been a life long career. Who knows. I do know it was the first job I had since my son was born that I didn't despise, I felt at least somewhat fulfilled, and I felt like I could talk about it at parties without being embarrassed by it.

So here I am, unemployed and I'm faced with the question, now what? I hate looking for a job because it's such a harsh reminder of how ill-prepared I am for life. I went from child actor, to teen actor, to theatre student to stay-at-home mom.

I hate working on my resume because I've never really had a real job. I have to sit down and try to make my various retail, temp and food service jobs sound like they mean something. And try to act like my unfinished education in a very specific and impractical field prepared me for anything besides writing, directing, designing, lighting and starring in a one woman show about my life.

The minute I find myself without a job, I can't help to think this is my chance. A golden opportunity. My chance to finally catch my big break, to move back to my original plans, to run away and join the circus. I immediately start looking for auditions, start writing a stand-up act, start practising audition songs in my car. I try to brain storm any way to bring in money doing what feels like the most natural thing in the world to me. The only thing I know how to do. It never pans out though because all of those things take time and none of them pay for child care.

The most important thing in my life is my family and my child. I can't properly function on a day to day basis until off of his needs have been met. His needs are first, his food is first, his comfort is first, is entertainment/enjoyment is first, his happiness is first, his shower is first. This is my duty, my purpose and my joy. Those of you with kids, I'm sure, can relate. However, at what cost does this come? Where did I go in all this?

I used to be cool and I used to be really funny. Now I'm Jude's mom. It's the Jude Show now. Now he's cool and funny.

I guess this blog is my attempt to get back in touch with the Erin Show. Also my attempt to reach out to anyone who wants to hear what I might have to rant about. I have a lot of stuff to talk about and I happen to find myself fascinating, I hope you agree.